As The Famished Soul Seeks Art
SPOKANE, Wash. — As I struggle to say something positive about this museum, I recall the adage, “If you can’t … don’t say anything at all.” So why do I feel compelled to write? I think it’s because my struggle to say something nice has more to do with me than with the museum itself.
Ants Among the Pacifiers
SPOKANE, Wash. — A poem inspired by Humaira Abid’s “The Stains Are Forever,” part of an exhibit at the Northeast Museum of Arts and Culture.
Spirals Versus Curves
RICHMOND, Va. — Testy docents say backpacks belong in front or beside my body / A NEW INTERPRETATION OF “HAMLET” IS SHAKING UP THE THEATER SCENE / I wish you were here to tousle my hair
The Scene That Isn’t There Is Amazing
RALEIGH, N.C. — Beam-I is a narrow red walkway that reaches a terminus. There is room for one person at a time to walk single file to the end. Imagine “walking the plank,” but with barriers on either side.
An Open Letter to Josh Thrower
RALEIGH, N.C. — First, I turned a corner and saw “Large Spindle Piece” and “No Fuss.” I learned from a sign that THIS SITE WAS DEGRADED AND DEPLETED BY ITS USE AS A PRISON FARM.
The Word for “Made-Up” Time
COLUMBIA, Pa. — I never gave much thought to the word “passage.”
A Tour of James Buchanan’s Wheatland
LANCASTER, Pa. — Cross the threshold. Say where you’re from. Follow your guide, dressed in period costume, to the left. This was James Buchanan’s dining room. Here’s a list of foods that people in his time would have eaten for dinner: turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans.